kate fodera of 'live inspired' shares with us her struggles with adulthood, and the creative journey she is taking to overcome them.
I was sitting on my couch and eating an obscene amount of Ramen noodles a few weeks ago when it hit me - Oh God... I’m 25 years old.
This realization shouldn't have been as life-altering as it was, considering I’ve been this age for a little over 3 months, but regardless... it was. As I had crinkled, limp, soggy noodles hanging from the right side of my perfectly glossed lip, I thought to myself, “What am I doing with my life?”
I’m successful when it comes to having a career I love and enjoy doing day in and day out. I’m successful when it comes to following my dreams of writing professionally. I’m successful when it comes to surrounding myself with amazing, hilarious, supportive, and loving friends and family.
Don’t get me wrong, all of these things are EXTREMELY important when it comes to living a happy, healthy, and fruitful life; however, there are other things a girl should know. She should know that you cannot substitute Squirt soda for lemon juice when cooking. She should be able to kill scary spiders. She should be able to successfully pass as a functioning member of society.
To put it bluntly - I’m perhaps one of the worst stereotypical adults I know. I’m successful when it comes to completely useless things:
- I can lick my elbow
- I can make killer Ramen
- I can make my hair insanely huge (no seriously, I can)
Things I’m not successful with:
- Cooking something other than killer Ramen
- Sewing/hemming
- Crafting
- Other stereotypical adult-stuff
Whether I was ready or not, I realized that it was time to learn.
I understand that these skills are “old-fashioned” but whether the date is year 1945 or 2012, a girl has to know how to cook something both edible and healthy. That’s when I decided to start my new blog, Perfectly Aware.
I became perfectly aware of the fact that I’m not really a functioning adult in the stereotypical sense of the word. It was time to make a change and not only would I make this change, but I would document my trials and tribulations. Being 25, I know myself... I know that I’m going to struggle. This journey to adulthood is going to be tough, it’s going to be messy, it’s going to be full of perfectly-strung-together swearwords.
Cross your fingers that I make it out alive, wearing hemmed jeans and holding a load of freshly baked banana bread.
*follow kate's journey by checking out her new blog, perfectly aware!*