Saturday, March 19, 2011

something old and borrowed.

some of you know that i have a bachelor of arts in event planning. but did you also know that i have been obsessed with weddings ever since i was little? i could seriously look at wedding magazines, watch wedding shows & be on all day long.

so when kate told me about her idea for this week's topic, i was enthralled!

*how would you feel is you found out your significant other bought your wedding ring through craigslist or ebay?*

if someone would have asked me that question a month ago, my exact words would have been 'umm hells no'. but having since found this website, my thoughts have changed. if you click on the link, you'll be able to see hundreds and thousands of pre owned wedding dresses - each categorized by size, designer, shape, price, etc. after looking at ten or twenty [how could i not!?] of them, i started to see a pattern. the majority of the previous owners didn't feel right about putting their dress in a box for decades to come - they wanted to share the beauty and the feeling they had when they wore it, with someone new.

this is how i see a wedding - something beautiful and unique, expressing each couple's style and love for each other. this is how i see an engagement ring, as well. it shouldn't matter how the marriage ended or why the ring ended up on ebay or craigslist, it should matter how the couple feels about the ring, and feels about the commitment to each other.

every ring and dress should be able to live a number of lives and give as much hope and beauty as possible to as many people as possible.

every ring and dress could be something borrowed AND something old <3

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