Friday, July 6, 2012

recap friday.

hey y'all!

[just kidding... there's no way i will ever say that ;)]

we made it to charlotte in one piece & we're loving it! the heat is definitely something to get used to, but the southern hospitality has made us feel right at home.

here are a couple snapshots that i took this week - if you follow me on twitter and/or facebook, you may have seen some of these already.

1. the sunset view from our kitchen.

2. BBQ!

3. pool-ing instead of unpacking :)

4. our boxed filled apartment.

5. the appalachian mountains.

6. an early morning in kentucky.

7. hundreds of wind turbines in indiana.

8. sunshine guiding our drive.

hope everyone has a great weekend! we'll be sight-seeing, unpacking and spending our spare time at the pool :]


Jess said...

Hey girl, Your pics are great and I'm glad you both made it there in one piece! I know the heat will be something to get used to, but you left right before it's been 100 degrees in GR/Chitown for multiple days in a row! LoL so you actually ESCAPED the heat a little :) Question, though, What brought you to NC?? - Jess Hardy

tabitha said...

thanks lady! well, adam and i have been wanting to move to the southeast area for some time so he had been applying for promotional positions. then he got one in charlotte! which actually worked out perfectly, because this was the city we wanted to move to the most :]

Swallows Heart said...

you totally should say "y'all" - haha! it just comes naturally now so ya better watch out! ;) glad you're loving NC so far! will you send me your new address?

tabitha said...

im planning on sending new address cards soon, so watch for it in the mail! :]

~Sherry♥♥♥ said...

Y'all come back and visit us for a spell ya hear?

Danie at Pasadya said...

Beautiful photos!! I'm so guilty of *y'all. It's the Texas in me!

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